Happy Physical Therapy Month!
October is Physical Therapy Month. We celebrate the benefit of getting treatment by a Physical Therapist. This blog is going to discuss the benefit of getting early treatment for pain. There are many reasons to get early PT treatment when you start feeling pain.
1. You can get better without thinking you may cause further injury or damage to surrounding tissue. Many people do not know how to safely exercise while protecting the injured body part to allow it to heal.
2. You can stay active and potentially avoid the cost and risks of prescription opioids. Many people want to avoid pain medication and this can be achieved by starting Physical Therapy while in the acute phase of injury. When the injury becomes chronic, lasting longer than 3 weeks, it will take longer to heal.
3. You can heal faster from an acute injury compared to a chronic injury as stated above.
4. You can avoid other problems caused by changes your body makes to avoid pain. Your body will start to compensate to avoid causing pain and in turn may cause pain in other body parts. For example if you are limping from knee pain this may start to cause low back pain.
5. You can get back to doing all of the activities that you love quickly and safely.