Do you want to exercise but it hurts your joints? Give swimming a try! Doing laps in a pool or water walking for just 30 minutes a day is a great workout that gives you the same benefits as walking around the block. It is a type of exercise that you will enjoy, all while being gentle on your joints and back.
Some benefits include:
1. Improves your cardiovascular health and endurance
2. Lowers blood pressure and helps with circulation
3. Increases your flexibility and gently stretches the body
4. Improves muscle strength while being low impact with no pressure on joints
If this sounds like something you want to give a try, head on over to your local YMCA or nearby pool and jump on in. By joining a club with a pool, you can attend classes such as water walking, swim lessons, or can even work with a swim instructor to give you tips and guidance. Especially with the warm weather coming around, swimming is a great way to stay in shape and keep your body happy and healthy!